Simplicity RMS
Simplicity RMS is a web-based records management software used to manage both physical and digital records. It offers both secure cloud and local network (self-hosted) solutions. Using web technologies means there is no additional software to install and no updates to manage. The software is primarily used on desktop computers with an app used on various handheld scanners and mobile devices for scanning records.
Displaying data was one of the primary challenges faced in designing this software, and it has seen several iterations. Each record type can have a lot of fields associated with each record, and it is completely custom for each unique set up. We created an interface where the customer can choose what fields show up on the record display and in what order, so they have better visibility in their records. Likewise for the search page — they can add what fields they want to be able to search, without cluttering up the search form needlessly. 
We also created a row view  that can be toggled as desired, which works especially well if there is a photo associated with each record. We also made the data fill up a large portion of the screen so that as much information as possible is displayed, while still being clean and functional.
Socius is a project and business management tool that helps organize all of your projects and tasks, files, documentation, account logins. It also has a slew of custom features we built for our own purposes such as a basic CRM and has the ability to act as a ticketing support system. It is a progressive web app that can be installed on your computer or mobile device, and sends push notifications ... pretty slick!  It is mainly used internally at Simplicity.Online but will be rolled out for customers soon.
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